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Full Moon 7.23.21 ~ Conquer your Goals

full moon reports yogiscopes Jul 23, 2021

General Info

A full moon occurs when the sun and moon are completely opposing each other in the night sky, so that the moon is receiving as much light as it can from the sun. This completely illuminated moon is high energy, and the only way to go from the top is down—so start thinking about what you can possibly shed as we head into the next portion of the lunar cycle.

This month’s full moon occurs on July 23rd at 10:36pm EST in sidereal Capricorn in Uttarashadha nakshatra.

Earthy Capricorn brings patient, determined, hardworking, and structured energy to this full moon. During this time, the moon will also be conjunct with retrograding Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn. This means bringing structure to our lives, habits, and efforts can be even more important for bringing good results and realizing goals during this time.

Jyotish gives us the tools of the Nakshatras, or lunar mansions, to get even more specific than the signs. This full moon is happening in Uttarashadha nakshatra (still in the sign of Capricorn). Uttarashadha translates to “final victory”, and is represented by the stars that form the heart of the archer Sagittarius, bringing qualities of a heart-centered ambition to this astrological event.

Uttarashadha is a sign of deep integrity and concern for humanity. The deities of this star, the ten Vishvadevas, are the gods of dharma. Thus, this lunar mansion supports conquering goals that align with your dharma—your life purpose, especially if that has some sort of humanitarian element. Uttarashadha supports leadership, achievement and a commitment to duty. On the other hand, when this energy is present, be careful not to overextend yourself or become obsessed with constant stimulation. This nakshatra is associated with great respect for tradition and a practical approach to beginning new ventures—which is also supported by the Capricorn energy of this full moon!

In general, favorable activities include: initiating activities, planning events, spiritual activities, rituals, using discernment, business affairs such as signing contracts, promotions, dealing with authority, artistic ventures, laying a foundation for a building, moving into a new home, marriage, politics, and legal matters

Unfavorable activities include any activities that might be unethical, impulsive or rude, or travel and endings/conclusions.

Your Yogiscope: yoga practices to harness this energy

In general, new moons and full moons are points in the lunar cycle to draw back from the trappings of daily life and focus on yoga and meditation. Normally, full moons represent a time to reap the benefits of your practice, or let go of parts that are no longer serving, whereas new moons are times to set intentions. However, with this full moon being in Uttarashadha nakshatra, it is actually a powerful time to complete goals! Since Uttarashadha means final victory, maybe this will be a time for you to celebrate small (or big!!) wins. Is there anything you’ve been wanting to “shed” perhaps by checking it off the ever-revolving to-do list? The nakshatra of this full moon is not favorable for total endings or conclusions, so maybe the goal you set out to accomplish could be something you’ve been preparing for a while, and you’re ready to put it into motion. Maybe you work on shedding limiting beliefs related to something you’ve been wanting to start.

Nonetheless, on the DAY OF the full moon, it is probably better to lay low and contemplate these things rather than actually do them. If you have time to do a full yoga practice, great! Try a journaling practice related to your sign’s horoscope below. You could also try chanting the Ganesh Mantra, because this Nakshatra is symbolized by an Elephant tusk (and Ganesh is the deity that has an elephant’s head), and Ganesh is said to be the remover of obstacles.


Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha


Salutations to the remover of obstacles

Sign by Sign Horoscopes

Each interpretation below will be accurate for your Vedic rising (ascendant) and moon signs. If you don’t know your signs, you can calculate your birth chart here. Remember, as a Vedic astrologer, I use the sidereal zodiac, or the astronomically precise placements of the planets.


This is a good time to check in with your career. Are you feeling fulfilled through your work? Does it feel in alignment with your life’s purpose, or your dharma? If you’re unclear on your dharma, an astrology reading can help. Do you feel ready to take things to the next level? Maybe that is through bringing fresh perspectives to old work routines, or maybe it involves finally making a jump (however small) to a new career path that feels more in alignment for you. Remember, being intentional with your habits and structures will be on your side during this cycle, and we have to release what no longer serves to create space for new ways of being. Make sure you harness that energy, and then ready, aim, fire!

If you’d like help in cultivating clarity around this, or more personalized insights, an astrology reading can help.


Are you living your dharma—or your righteous path in life? Use this time to get in touch with your beliefs, your philosophies, and your spiritual practices. This would be an auspicious time to set intentions around working with new spiritual teachers or gurus who can help you find or live our your dharma—or perhaps to release yourself from whatever may be preventing you from doing so. If you already have a defined path—including your dharma and/or your spiritual practices/teachers—you still might benefit from a fresh set of routines during this cycle. Maybe you shake up your patterns by trying out a new yoga class, getting an astrology reading, or doing a new journaling exercise.


It’s time to go under the surface. Perhaps a spiritual awakening is nigh. If you have sparked an interest in yoga, kundalini, astrology, chakras, or other occult sciences, now would be a time that the universe supports you in higher learning in these areas to be reborn, much like a phoenix. Think death card in tarot vibes for this full moon! In order to be reborn, or to go through any kind of spiritual transformation, the prerequisite is death. Will it be ego death? A death of an old version of yourself that is not serving you any more? This transit has the potential to bring suffering, but since you are here reading this, you know how to work with the energy to navigate it gracefully! Go deep. Enlist the help of an esoteric or spiritual teacher or guide, or try out an astrology reading. And then let go and watch yourself grow!


The focus for you this full moon is on your intimate partner relationship(s). If you are in a committed relationship, the cosmos is asking you to rekindle and revitalize. Nurture your partner as well as yourself, and remember that the relationship is a separate entity from any of its participants that needs its own nurturing, also. If you are single, you may very well meet someone special during this time. You may also feel a rekindling of a desire for partnership, if that hasn’t been a priority for you. Whether you are in partnership or not, remember that relationships, especially those that are most intimate to us, are powerful spiritual mirrors to understand our own way of being in the world. This is a good time to parse out what is true of the relationship or for your partner, and what is a projection of yourself. Get back to basics—or try something completely fresh—when it comes to restructuring or rekindling desire in your love life.

If you’d like help in cultivating clarity around this, or more personalized insights, an astrology reading can help.


Do your day-to-day habits need a little extra attention? Or do you have some debts you have been working to pay off? If you have any struggles that you have been trying to overcome—debts, enemies, self-discipline, etc—the stars are on your side to break free of cycles that don’t serve you during this time. Just make sure you set intentions that harness the powers of Uttarashadha nakshatra, and you very well could see a “final victory” in some of the more challenging areas of your life. Utilize those structured, diligent qualities of this full moon when you prepare to put your intentions into action. Don’t forget to lean into your own passionate nature as well, Leo! Doing so could really help power up your routines, which ultimately are what will help you live the life of your dreams and overcome any struggle! Remember, the only way out is through, and every little bit counts.

If you’d like help in cultivating clarity around this, or more personalized insights, an astrology reading can help.


What have you been trying to manifest? This moon affects your sense of creativity and children (if you have them or want them!). In the Vedic tradition, birthing children is seen as the highest creative pursuit, but even if you don’t have or want kiddos, what big (potentially creative) projects have you been trying to birth into this world? Maybe you also have some purvapunya, or past life merit/natural gifts, that could assist you on the manifestation journey. Tap into that during this cycle, and the stars are aligned to help you become wildly successful! Remember, being intentional with your habits and structures will be on your side during this cycle, and we have to release what no longer serves to create space for new ways of being. Make sure you harness that energy, and then ready, aim, fire!

If you’d like help in cultivating clarity around this, or more personalized insights, an astrology reading can help.


How is your inner world feeling? Is anything feeling off with your home life, or perhaps with your relationship to your mother? This cycle is a great time to set intentions around cultivating or strengthening areas of life that bring you peace and respite from the world. When you do so, your ability to step outside of your comfort zone and transform will be empowered! Remember, stability is the ultimate key to freedom, so root down and connect to your deep sense of comfort this full moon. That might look like developing or improving a meditation practice, or maybe you need to literally make your home more comfortable by sprucing it up or cleaning it out. Decide what inner peace means for you right now, and then set intentions to strengthen it—or release anything that feels like a block!

If you’d like help in cultivating clarity around this, or more personalized insights, an astrology reading can help.


How have you been expressing yourself lately? Are there any hobbies that you’ve neglected? This cycle is a great time to get back to your sense of self-expression, whatever that looks like for you! Maybe you want to pick up an instrument, creative pursuit, or physical activity that used to (or that you always thought might) bring you joy. If you feel like you never have time to indulge in these things, it may be time to think about what you could release from your busy schedule to create space in your life for these pursuits. Tap into your inner resources here, Scorpio, and remember that yoga and meditation are great ways to gain clarity if you’re unsure about what direction to take this! Then get courageous and creative in your self-expression!

If you’d like help in cultivating clarity around this, or more personalized insights, an astrology reading can help.


Have you been feeling like getting back on track with a budget? Shifting your diet so that it serves you more? Or maybe you want to be more intentional about your words and the way you speak to yourself or others—this would be a powerful time to focus on making your speech or self-talk a little sweeter. Contemplating what goes into and out of your mouth are very auspicious with this full moon, and it may be time to release patterns that no longer serve you related to your diet or wallet. Remember, being intentional with your habits and structures will be on your side during this cycle, and we have to release what no longer serves to create space for new ways of being. Make sure you harness that energy, and then ready, aim, fire!

If you’d like help in cultivating clarity around this, or more personalized insights, an astrology reading can help.


Do you feel like you’re coming into your own right about now? Are there any intentions you would like to set related to your sense of self—maybe you even feel like totally reinventing yourself? This might also be a powerful time to reflect on the nature of your personal yoga practice, if you have one. If not, it is an auspicious time to set intentions around creating one. Try not to micro-manage yourself, Capricorn, as you can be prone to doing given your ruled-by-Saturn nature. Remember that yoga is an embodied and experiential practice. Having strict routines and structures is great, but sometimes we have to come back to what we feel and know to be true from within, and make our decisions from that place. What are you doing to nurture yourself? Are there any intentions you would like to set regarding your health—physical or mental? This full moon is all about nurturing YOU!

If you’d like help in cultivating clarity around this, or more personalized insights, an astrology reading can help.


You’re due for a retreat. Whether that involves traveling to a distant place or just turning inward through meditation, it is time to remove yourself from the outer world for a bit. If you can let go a little bit now, you will find a beautiful respite where you can charge your spiritual batteries. You may feel like doing some deep soul-searching now, and doing so would be greatly supported by the universe. Pay close attention to the messages that may be transmitted through your dreams right now! It may be time to re-examine some spiritual lessons that keep coming up for you, and let go of what no longer serves. This could involve leaning into your meditation practice if you already have one, or cultivating a new one (including shaking up an existing practice!), or maybe you take a trip to some literal far away place!

If you’d like help in cultivating clarity around this, or more personalized insights, an astrology reading can help.


Have you been achieving your material and spiritual goals? Do you HAVE any spiritual or material goals? It’s a great time to dream big, and set intentions around how you’ll get there. The energy of this full moon asks you to be practical, and consider the structures and habits in your life that could help you get there. If you’re ready to launch a new pursuit, go ahead, or simply get structured in your approach you’ve been taking. If you’ve been feeling stuck, make sure your goals are in alignment with your dharma—or purpose in this life. If you’re unclear on your dharma, an astrology reading can help. Don’t forget to incorporate the help of your peers—our network circles can be powerful in helping us realize our goals. Practicing seva—selfless service to others—will also help the universe smile on you in your pursuit of spiritual and material wealth.

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