
Saturn Retrograde Personal Predictions (June 29-November 15, 2024) long-term transits podcast sade sati saturn transits yogiscopes Jul 12, 2024

Watch or listen to the public podcast episode here for more general predictions, or read on for thorough notes of what's included in the podcast, as well as yoga practices, journal prompts, and personalized interpretations for your rising and moon signs.

Saturn Retrograde 2024

Dates: June 29 -...

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Neural Pathways and Samskaras conditioning energetic anatomy intention koshas nueroscience patterns podcast sankalpa vidya yoga philosophy May 17, 2021

This is the companion blog post to episode 14 of The Science of Light Podcast, for more info please tune into the episode!

"The art of progress is to preserve order amid change, and to preserve change amid order." - Alfred North Whitehead

Please exhale and notice your breath. Maybe for 15...

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Darshan: How We Craft Identities podcast yoga philosophy Dec 30, 2020

Who are you? Or, how do you even go about answering that question? How are identities crafted? Why do we hold the beliefs we hold? How do those beliefs influence our behavior?

In the words of Women’s Hall of Famer Maggie Kuhn, “Speak your truth even if your voice shakes!” That's...

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